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Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Eres un adicto a la computadora? Compruebalo tu mismo:

Computer / Internet Addiction - Self Diagnosis

Ten Symptoms of Computer Addiction (by James Fearing, Ph.D.)

  • A demonstrated "loss of control" when trying to stop or limit the amount of time on the computer. (Breaking promises to self or others. Promising to quit or cut down and not being able to do so)
  • Being dishonest or minimizing the extent of the time you stay on the computer, or covering up or being dishonest about what activities you participate in when on the computer.
  • Negative consequences experienced by the computer user or his/her friends or family as a direct result of time or activities spent on the computer.
  • Participation in high risk or normally unacceptable behaviors when using the computer. Compromising your morals and values based on the opportunity to remain anonymous and protected on the computer. (a good test for this is to ask yourself if your spouse, partner or family would approve of what you were doing on the computer)
  • An overdeveloped sense of importance for the computer in ones life. Defending your right to use the computer as much as desired, regardless of the fact that people in your life are feeling left out and neglected. (denial of the problem and justification; not being able to hear or feel what the other people are saying regarding your computer behavior)
  • Mixed feelings of euphoria (a "rush"), combined with feelings of guilt brought on by either the inordinate amount of time spent on the computer or the abnormal behavior acted out while using the computer.
  • Feelings of depression or anxiety when something or someone shortens your time or interrupts your plans to use the computer.
  • Preoccupation with the computer and computer activities when you are not using the computer (thinking about the computer and its activities when doing something else; i.e. having a family dinner, working on project deadline etc.)
  • Finding yourself using the computer at times when you are feeling uncomfortable, irritated, or sad about something happening in your life. ( feeling uncomfortable in your relationship, so you will self medicate and "hide out" on the computer) Using time on the computer to become externally focused outside yourself as a way to avoid facing what is happening in your life, and avoiding feeling the appropriate feelings inside yourself. (self medicating)
  • Experiencing financial concerns or problems in your life as a result of money being spent on computer hardware, computer on-line charges, or any other costs associated with computers. (Spending money on computer related items which should have been allocated to other normal living expenses)
Si respondiste "si" a uno de estos sintomas puede que tengas un problema de adiccion a la computadora. Si respondiste "si" a dos de estos sintomas existe una gran probabilidad de que tengas una adiccion a las computadoras. Si respondiste "si" a tres o mas de estos sintomas estas demostrando un comportamiento de adiccion a la computadora o las activiades que realizas en ella.



  • At 3:49 PM, Anonymous Martin Tovar said…

    Estimado Marcos:

    Hemos descubierto que una empresa que contratamos para promover nuestra página Intervention.com ha utilizado una variedad de tácticas cuestionables para obtener enlaces hacia nuestra web. Estos enlaces fueron solicitados sólo con la finalidad de obtener resultados para la optimización en buscadores de la página, y con la intención (indebida) de manipular los rankings en los motores de búsqueda.

    Al parecer hay enlaces como estos en su página. La presencia de estos enlaces está ocasionando daños a nuestro sitio en los buscadores y, desafortunadamente, mantenerlos en su web puede traer un daño potencial para su propia página.

    Le solicitamos que por favor elimine de su web cualquier enlace hacia Intervention.com.

    Actualmente hay, o han habido, enlaces hacia nuestra web en estas URLs de su página:

    Estaría muy agradecido por su ayuda para solucionar este inconveniente.

    Por favor no dude en avisarme, una vez que los enlaces hacia Intervention.com sean eliminados, a través de esta vía.

    Si necesita más información sobre nosotros, por favor escríbanos y con mucho gusto responderé cualquier duda.

    Le pido disculpas por cualquier inconveniente causado, y desde ya le doy las gracias por su ayuda.

    Saludos cordiales,



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